Overview — Westrey Wine Company

Westrey Wine Company

Growing Premium Oregon Wines for Over Thirty Years

Pinot noir, Pinot gris and Chardonnay grown and crafted by winemakers David Autrey and Amy Wesselman in Oregon's Willamette Valley.

Premium Oregon Wines

I’m a very big fan of Westrey wines, especially their Pinot Noir. Westrey is a paragon of pinot noir perfectionism.
— Matt Kramer

Westrey wines are styled to showcase fruit in a context of balanced texture, acidity and alcohol.  Grapes are harvested at the peak of balance between acidity and ripe flavors.  Every winery process is carried out as gently as possible.  Upon arrival at the winery, Pinot Noir is destemmed directly into fermentation vessels to keep handling to a minimum.  Indigenous yeast is used wherever possible, and wine is pressed immediately at dryness to ensure the majority of extraction occurs before the presence of alcohol.  New oak barrels are used to complement, rather than compete with, varietal character.  Westrey Pinot Noirs are bottled unfined and unfiltered.  Reserve and single-vineyard bottlings emphasize Westrey’s commitment to Pinot Noir.

Although Pinot Noir constitutes the majority of Westrey’s production, equal care is given to Pinot Gris and Chardonnay.  Fermentation and aging of Pinot Gris takes place entirely in stainless steel tanks, to produce a clean, crisp, “fruit-first” wine.  Westrey Chardonnay is fermented and aged in French oak, and undergoes a complete malolactic fermentation prior to bottling.  As with Pinot Noir, Westrey strives to produce white wines that are complex and balanced while possessing the structure to age well.

Westrey’s total production is increasing each year as more vines are planted on the 50-acre site in the Dundee Hills, Oracle Vineyard.

In 1993, just 400 cases represented Westrey’s first release.  Autrey and Wesselman are committed to limiting size to 4,000 to 6,000 cases so attention can continue to be given to each lot of fruit individually.

Please see our Shipping Policies for shipping rates, minimum bottle quantities, and more information.


Mixed case lots receive a 10% discount. Use coupon code MixedCase on checkout.

Unbroken case lots receive a 15% discount. Use coupon code FullCase on checkout.

There are a limited number of magnums available. Please inquire.

Copyright Westrey Wine Company 2024